Pendant is based on the “Lucky” revolver from Fallout New Vegas. I already know about the mysterious magnum on the Mysterious Stranger, but besides that i haven't seen any other ones. 6 When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 62 ! On the base on the hand grip, a generic serial number 05709234 is stamped into the metal. On the main title screen, it appears to have the long barrelmodification attached.

150 To perform the glitch, get a weapon with a one-by-one bullet reload animation (.357 Magnum Revolver, Cowboy Repeater, Hunting Shotgun etc) and two different ammo types that fit the weapon. 44 Magnum Revolver for Fallout: New Vegas - Warning: Video game violence and/or Strong Language. It can be acquired by passing a Barter check of 50 during the quest Talent Pool or can be looted/stolen from his person. i'm going for a cowboy build (he has 9 luck) i'm using medicine stick, Riot Shotgun, and a revolver what revolver should i use This large, double-action revolver is a rare, scopeless variant of the hunting revolver.

357 Revolver, giving it more detailed and a better model. 357 Magnum is the revolver featured on many Fallout: New Vegas promotional images. Its easier if I show a image of it (below) I wonder if theres any existing mods that changes my one handed gun animation to this (and/or) if its even possibly. The Mysterious Magnum can fire a total of about 745 standard rounds, the equivalent of 125 reloads, from full condition before breaking.

The hunting revolver is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.