Fallout new vegas best revolver
Fallout new vegas best revolver

Pendant is based on the “Lucky” revolver from Fallout New Vegas. I already know about the mysterious magnum on the Mysterious Stranger, but besides that i haven't seen any other ones. 6 When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 62 ! On the base on the hand grip, a generic serial number 05709234 is stamped into the metal. On the main title screen, it appears to have the long barrelmodification attached.

fallout new vegas best revolver

150 To perform the glitch, get a weapon with a one-by-one bullet reload animation (.357 Magnum Revolver, Cowboy Repeater, Hunting Shotgun etc) and two different ammo types that fit the weapon. 44 Magnum Revolver for Fallout: New Vegas - Warning: Video game violence and/or Strong Language. It can be acquired by passing a Barter check of 50 during the quest Talent Pool or can be looted/stolen from his person. i'm going for a cowboy build (he has 9 luck) i'm using medicine stick, Riot Shotgun, and a revolver what revolver should i use This large, double-action revolver is a rare, scopeless variant of the hunting revolver.

fallout new vegas best revolver

357 Revolver, giving it more detailed and a better model. 357 Magnum is the revolver featured on many Fallout: New Vegas promotional images. Its easier if I show a image of it (below) I wonder if theres any existing mods that changes my one handed gun animation to this (and/or) if its even possibly. The Mysterious Magnum can fire a total of about 745 standard rounds, the equivalent of 125 reloads, from full condition before breaking.

fallout new vegas best revolver

The hunting revolver is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.

Fallout new vegas best revolver